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What are the values in Scrum?

Commitment. Each team member contributes and stays focused at all times. Each team member commits or obligates themselves to the goal and tries to do their best and assist others in helping. Each team member shall strive for perfection as long as they can act and accept the outcome.

Focus. Each team member should focus on a goal. Multi-tasking is avoided. Interruptions and disruptions should be prevented by the Scrum Master. The Scrum team must focus on the tasks, user stories or backlog items from the sprint backlog within the sprint to master and produce a working increment. The product owner ensures that the backlog is maintained and the tasks are concretely described and the definition of done (acceptance criteria of an increment) is defined.

Openness. Failures should be openly communicated and finger-pointing or blame should be avoided. Constructive and objective criticism towards solution processes is sought to solve problems. Destructive and unobjective criticism is avoided. Successes are celebrated and lessons are learned and reflected upon from failures.

Courage. Problems should be solved proactively. The courage should be mustered to develop new solutions to problems and to communicate them. The Scrum Master should have the courage to constantly shield the developers from external influences.

Respect. Respect opposite other opinions should prevail for the constructive and objective handling of new problem solutions. Gratitude should be lived, strengths and weaknesses of the individual should be seen as an opportunity to offer necessary assistance and to work together on the functional increment.

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