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How are agile monitoring and metrics and story points done in Scrum?

During the Sprint, clarity must prevail as to which results and which project state is currently prevailing. The Sprint Goal Success Rate (high) is the quantity in percent how often the assigned Sprint Goals for the Sprints were achieved. The (Escaped) Defects (should be low) are undetected defects during the testing phase that are found at the customer site. Velocity (should be high and sustainable) is the team velocity i.e. the quality of the goals achieved during the sprints. Velocity should be high and sustainable i.e. developers are not constantly overloaded but experience a healthy stress level. The Satisfaction (should be high) rate is the satisfaction of the developers or the customers. Team member turnover (should be low) is the frequency of team member turnover, which is low. The Burn Down Rate (should be high) gives information about how many Story Points were implemented in one Sprint or in one day.

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